Monday, April 14, 2008

the Dandilion

I leaned down into the grass. There, amongst the reeds was the softest looking flower I had ever seen. I picked it and held it gently near my eyes, viewing the tiny little spores of fluff like miniature pillows for the ladybugs. clasping the stem in my hand I ran back through the field, down the path and burst into the house.

"Mama! Look what I found! It's the prettiest, softest flower ever!" but as I looked down, to my dismay, there was nothing left but a stem and a small green ball.

I slowly turned around to look for the flower I must have dropped. All I found was one small fluff in the doorway. It was then I realized that the fluff had flown from the flower in my haste and excitement to show my mother. My spirits fell at the thought of losing that beautiful thing.

"Don't worry," she consoled me, "all those little fluffs will each become a flower. You just increased our dandilions and spread them out over the whole yard. Soon you can pick them to your hearts content. Don't worry, it's still there." I was ecstatic.

I see now that what my mother really meant was that it would be my chore to pull the ones I had planted. But the same thing happens in our walk with God. When we truly take the time to get to know the truth about Him and know Him intimately, we can't keep it to ourselves and take off to share it. It the process we shed the seeds of truth to all the surrounding area so that when we get home, there are many more seeds growing, and the old is not lost, it is multiplied as is our joy at it's beauty. We will reap what we sow.

"But the one who received the seed that fell on good soil is the man who hears the word and understands it. He produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown." Matthew 13:23

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